The essential
Productive variety
Ascochyta Rabiei Tolerance
Quality organo-leptic
Varietal profile
Registered: France 2019
TWK: 300 g to 320 g
Size: 7 to 8 mm
Plant height: Medium
First pod height: Medium to high
Grain color: Beige
Flower color: White
Ascochyta Rabiei sensitivity: Low sensitive
Flowering: Mid-early
Lodging: not sensisitive
Seeding dates: February 15th to March 15th
Plot selection :
- Avoid hydromorphic soils: crop sensitive to excess water and root asphyxiation.
- Avoid acidic and sandy soils.
- Prefer well exposed and drained soils, of clayey-limestone type, even superficial.
Implementation :
- Soils with a pH above 7 facilitate the establishment of nodules.
- Deep tillage is recommended to facilitate the implantation of nodules.
Seeding :
- Sowing with a precision planter is recommended.
- Row spacing: 30 to 60 cm
- Seeding density : 45 to 55 seeds/m²